16 Days of Accessibility Awareness

5 minute actions for making an impact, delivered right to your inbox.

May 16th, 2024 marks the 13th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). I've celebrated the occasion since I first learned about it in 2019. I decided to specialize in web accessibility not long before that.

My experience is unique as a vocal disability activist for both my own personal accessibility needs and for my job in web accessibility. Helping people learn about accessibility in multiple facets is one of my greatest joys.

At this point in my career, I'm ready to go beyond awareness in the shallow sense. Disabled people have always existed, needed accessibility, and faced systemic barriers to access.

I'm not interested in spending any more of my limited energy trying to convince people that accessibility is a human right. It's not up for debate, and I don't have the time!

I also know that no matter how much I wish I could, I am just one person and I cannot fix all the accessibility problems of the world on my own. That's one of the main reasons I founded my consulting business — to help far more organizations and people build their accessibility skills and make an impact.

Accessibility work can feel intimidating and overwhelming at first. We make huge waves of progress when we do this work together and take it one step at a time. Just like any other skill, you get better with practice and doing the thing gets less scary after awhile.

That's why I've created a totally free, 16-day email course to celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day on May 16th, 2024. 🎉

  • One lesson a day, delivered right to your inbox
  • Lessons are focused on one topic at a time
  • You'll learn about the most common issues first
  • Each lesson's actions take 5 minutes or less

Just straightforward steps, practice, progress, and meaningful impact in around 90 minutes. No fluff, no BS, no spam.

The first round of the email course has concluded for now. Be on the lookout for the next iteration coming in June 2024!

If you'd like to read all 16 lessons that were sent out at your own pace, they're published and available for free.